Winter Wellness – Looking After Our Immune Systems
As we move into winter, the short days, poor weather and increase in winter illnesses can put our immune systems under greater pressure than usual. Add into that the demands of a busy festive season and it is perhaps not surprising that we can find ourselves either unwell, or feeling below our best. There is […]
The Importance of Sleep
Getting a good night’s sleep has a huge impact on our general health and mental wellbeing. Insufficient sleep and poor-quality sleep are common problems and can affect us, whatever our age. Adults aged between 18 and 64 need 7 or more hours of sleep. Adults aged 65 and over need a little more. A study […]
Let’s talk menopause
The menopause will happen to every woman, and each will experience this journey in a completely different way. It is one of the most personal and individual periods of a woman’s life. Symptoms vary between individuals, and range from being barely noticeable to life changing. Interestingly, research shows that women will live longer than men, […]
Hello feet!
With spring fast approaching and the hint of warmer days to come, what better time to think about your feet! As we come to the end of winter, our feet have spent most of the last six months wrapped in heavy socks and boots. Our feet are often over looked and neglected at the best […]